The safest seat on the aircraft to reduce the risk of infection with Covid-19 virus

17/02/2020 | 14:11 2118 views

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The US “FlyHeathly Research Team” observed passengers and crew behaviors on 10 flights of 3.5 to 5 hours in order to determine the positions on the aircraft to help passengers reduce risks. Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract are contagious, including the corona virus (Covid-19).

1.In what ways is a contagious respiratory disease primarily transmitted?

First of all, we need to understand that most respiratory infections will spread between people through two main methods: “ droplets ” and “ aerosols”. – aerosol ”.

First, droplets include saliva, mucus, or body fluids from an infected person. Therefore, when an infected person coughs or sneezes they spread the germs into their surroundings. If we unknowingly come into contact with “droplets” such as passing an infected person coughing, sneezing, or touching the “droplets” of an infected person, we are more likely to become infected. The Covid-19 virus outbreak has been identified as primarily spreading by the “droplet” path. “Droplets” do not spread widely in the air, but instead fall rather close to where the infected person emits.Secondly, aerosol – aerosol is a common method for the treatment of respiratory diseases in medical treatment facilities. Treatment is diffused in the form of mist to affect the patient’s respiratory system. Small droplets of aerosol can be released into the air, and those around them when inhaled in high concentrations can become infected. Up to now, the Covid-19 virus outbreak has been determined to be spread by aerosol – a cure, not a “gas dust” and “air” as some of the non-core information. body .

2.Potentially contagious diseases when flying and the safest seat

According to the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) , reaching out to an infected person is sitting within 2 rows around the infected person .

However, not all passengers sit still in place during flights, especially on long flights. Passengers going to the restroom, moving to pick up things from the luggage cabin or simply stretching their legs will accidentally cause the virus to spread beyond 2 rows of seats.

According to the conclusion of the “FlyHeathly Research Team”, the window position is the safest seat due to less interaction with other passengers, the likelihood of spreading the disease is also lower significantly.

On average, people sitting by the window only have to interact with passengers and crew about 12 times. Meanwhile, this figure for middle-row passengers is 58 times and up to 64 times for people sitting in the aisle seat.

The team ‘s data also showed that it was not really “terrifying” to sit next to the aisle or the middle seat. The majority of passengers in any position on the plane have only a relatively low probability of infection when the interaction between passengers on the same flight is usually relatively short. Even, the probability of infection of those sitting in 2 rows around the infected person is less than 1%. But if people sit in a row around the infected person, the chance of getting infected is over 80%.

Crews are also identified as the ones most likely to experience the disease on flights due to exposure to various passengers and longer stays onboard aircraft. The study showed that if an crew member became infected, they were able to infect the pathogen by an average of 4.6 passengers.

The scientists also point out that the best way to protect all passengers from infectious diseases, including the Covid-19 virus epidemic, is to often wash their hands with soap or Antiseptic hand sanitizer with alcohol content over 60% ; refrain from touching the face, eyes and nose with your hand; Keep your distance when in contact with others and isolate yourself when you feel unwell.

The safest seat on the aircraft to reduce the risk of infection with Covid-19 virus
Article Name
The safest seat on the aircraft to reduce the risk of infection with Covid-19 virus
The US "FlyHeathly Research Team" observed passengers and crew behaviors on 10 flights of 3.5 to 5 hours in order to determine the positions on the aircraft to help passengers reduce risks. Infectious diseases of the respiratory tract are contagious, including the corona virus (Covid-19).
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SASCO Travel
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